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Attachment in the early years

What are the objectives of the course?

  • To have an understanding of the theories of attachment and how to apply these theories in practice
  • To reflect on ways to promote secure attachment of children in settings (stay and play sessions, schools or early years settings)
  • To reflect on ways to support parents in developing secure attachments with their children (if appropriate)
  • To understand the development of attachment in young children
  • To understand the different types of secure and insecure attachment patterns
What is the content of the course?

The activities during the training are varied and lively to give practitioners hands on activities to keep them engaged and interested. Practitioners will reflect on their attachments and how they develop attachments over time. Experience of training a wide range of practitioners has shown this to be a highly effective way of developing practitioner understanding, confidence and skills and creating impact in a range of early years settings.
If training is delivered within a single early years setting, there is an opportunity for staff to work together to agree how to develop an attachment friendly approach in the setting. This is done through an action plan format.
If staff come from a range of settings, individual practitioners are encouraged to implement a development in their own practice e.g. reflect on how to use attachment theory with families, support parents and children in developing attachments

What is the duration of the course?

This course can be delivered:
  • as a two day course
  • over three staff meetings, twlights or evenings (2 hours each)
  • over three Saturdays short courses
This course has been adapted in light of the changes to the Early Years Foundation Stage document (DfE, 2012)

If you are interested in this course for your setting or a group or a group of settings, please
contact me
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