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This is the general health and safety policy statement of Early Years Solutions

Overall and final responsibility for health and safety and day to day responsibility for ensuring this policy is put into practice is that of Anita Soni.

 Statement of general policy
 Responsibility Actions and arrangements
To prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health and provide adequate control of health and safety risks arising from work activities. Anita Soni
Relevant risk assessments are carried out in the venue or work space, and any actions arising notified in a timely manner to the venue provider
To implement emergency procedures – evacuation in case of fire or other significant incident. You can find help with your fire risk assessment at: www.communities.gov.uk/firesafety.  Anita Soni
Anita to make herself aware of escape routes and evacuation plans on arrival at a venue and ensure these are kept clear at all times. Full registers of those undertaking training are kept with participants signature, contact telephone number and email address. These are used in emergency situations. Anita needs make herself aware of health and safety policies and procedures in each venue and in turn let participants know of relevant procedures in case of fire and other significant incidents
To maintain safe and healthy working conditions, provide and maintain plant, equipment and machinery, and ensure safe storage/use of substances. Anita Soni

Early Years Solutions to work where there are adequate toilets, washing facilities and drinking water provided and notify venue provider of any defects or causes for concern in a timely fashion.                                                                    

 Equipment and machinery e.g. projector, lap tops etc is bought new and action is promptly taken to address any defects
Health and safety poster, first aid box and accident book
 Anita Soni
Anita to locate all of these on arrival at the venue or work space

Signed by Anita Soni 8.1.11

To be reviewed and monitored 8.1.12

Risk assessment policy available on request

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